Master Musicians Of Bukkake

Sat 25th July 2009
This is an archive item from Supersonic 2009

Master Musicians Of Bukkake – US
Hidden in the broken amplified logs and delayed deep green moss. Damp evergreen floors with Hidden secrets to tell. Master Musicians of Bukkake is born of this primordial Northwest passage of rights , electric old growth rituals formed when the earliest saplings and fungus brokeforth through the ground reaching their life filled limbs to the sun ever seeing ever growing. The prehistoric mountians an ever present lurker steadfastly onlooking this ascent to the heavens covered in their glacial white shrowds. No man made monoliths or megaliths could ever out shadow the giants of the olympics, of Cascadia these TOTEMS of old, TOTEMS of the ancients. As we move into the age of modern mans descent into ruin and the trees regain their dominance over the pitiful buildings and machines of humans…Now, In this final age when the sun scorches the southern states and burns our grand citys mile by mile in a hope to burn off the impurities of the earth back to the prima materia, you can hear a far away sound a scream a ritual and a gathering ….Master Musicians of Bukkake.